BLOG TOUR: Impervious by Zoe Allison – REVIEW (+GIVEAWAY)

Dear book-lovers,

Welcome to the stop on blog tour hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions for an adult paranormal romance with vampires – Impervious by Zoe Allison. You will find in this post details about the book, author, my review, a link for a giveaway at Rafflecopter and the tour schedule.

Book Details

BookCover_ImperviousTitle: Impervious

Author: Zoe Allison

Publication Date: April 14th 2020

Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing

Genre: Vampire romance

Pages: 288


Vampires are real, existing alongside regular humans as a secret subspecies. The malevolent of their kind exploit their powers and immortality at the expense of their human counterparts. The Organization, a league of benevolent vampires headed up by the anonymous Mr. X, works covertly to keep this threat in check. Amber Ridley is the company’s top agent, unique to the team as the only human working alongside her vampire allies. She is an ‘Impervious’, a rare human with powers that can be used against the malevolent.

When Amber’s latest mission takes her back to the UK to work with her close companion Valentino, she meets his old colleague Hayden Knight. Hayden is infamous to Amber as the man who betrayed their organization and abandoned her friend Valentino in the past. She dislikes Hayden instantly, and his arrogant, cold demeanour does nothing to aid this.

Amber and Hayden are forced to work together on The Organization’s most important mission to date, and they must put aside their differences to take down the menace that threatens the very existence of their group. Amber must put her trust in Hayden, but is she impervious to love?

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About the Author

AuthorPictureZoe lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her husband and two children. A medic by day, she started writing in her spare time as a means to counter burn out and found that this was a balm for the soul.

She is a fan of the romantic genre and its ‘happy ever after’ ethos. A sharp contrast to what she can, at times, see in her day job. Zoe is keen for the female lead in romantic fiction to disabuse stereotypes and walk on an equal footing with her male counterparts. She prefers male leads who do not display signs of toxic masculinity and believes that positive masculinity is much more attractive to women and healthier for men.




BookCover_ImperviousTitle: Impervious
Author: Zoe Allison
Publication Year: 2020
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: eARC via Goddess Fish Promotions
Rating: 4.25 Stars
Recommendation: Recommended for paranormal romance readers who enjoy reading books about vampires. Recommended for readers who like an angsty hate-to-love trope.

My Thoughts

The vampire numbers weren’t too large – a very small percentage of the overall population – so danger was not, in fact, lurking round every corner.

One of my favourite things about this book was that there was NO love triangle. Insert happy dance here 😉 The book had 3 person POV – Amber, Vale (Valentino) and Hayden, and I loved the dynamic between these three. I enjoyed the sibling like relationship between Amber-Vale and Hayden-Vale. There was real friendship and loyalty between these people, which I appreciated a lot.

Amber rose to her feet and returned Hayden’s cold stare with equal intensity. She acknowledged his handsome chiseled features, dark brown, almost black hair and ice-blue eyes. She felt nothing except a cold abyss of resentment.

Another thing that I liked about this story was the interactions between Amber and Hayden. Watching them together was very entertaining, their chemistry was explosive. The banter, angst and sparks were intense and intoxicating. The hate-to-love trope was very well written with a complicated slow-burn romance.

“Nice outfit. It looks good on you.” (..) “I’ll bet you look even better with it off.”

(..) “One more word and you are dust. Literally.”

“What?” (..) “I’m just being complimentary.”

The take on vampires in this story was interesting, the plot was entertaining with some action, bit of danger, some relationship drama and steamy hot scenes. However, I didn’t completely connect with Amber due to her being emotionally closed and disconnection from her own feelings, hence, there were times when she just frustrated me a lot.

“Who is the girl?” she asked.

He paused for a moment before reaching to stroke the fire. “Impervious. The legend of Impervious… It is true.”

“I thought it was just a myth.”

“Then you are a full.”

At the end I liked the story and both of the vampire male leads, I was entertained for the most part of the book, but I wasn’t emotionally invested enough to love this book.


GIVEAWAY (INTERNATIONAL) – $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card (ends April 17th) > enter HERE


Blog Tour Schedule

April 13: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
April 13: Kit ‘N Kabookle
April 14: Fabulous and Brunette
April 15: Erotica For All
April 15: Christine Young
April 16: Journey in Bookland
April 16: Long and Short Reviews
April 17: All the Ups and Downs
April 17: Viviana MacKade

Thank you for visiting this stop of the blog tour and please check out the other ones as well 😉

Happy reading,
Lady of Bookland

000 lady of bookland

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